Thursday, October 18, 2007

Honors Thesis Colloquium

Blogs posts have been a little sparse over the past few days (I even missed Blog Action Day), but that is mostly because school has taken over my life. I had a midterm due this morning (a film analysis of Mulan), I have another due this coming Tuesday (my Led Zep midterm), and then there is that little, teeny project I'm working on this semester: my thesis.

Luckily, the interviews for my thesis are moving right along. I have three done already, one scheduled for later in the week, and one more that is in the works. It's amazing what you can accomplish with a few well-placed Facebook posts!

I know all of you are dying to hear my Sociological discussion of video games, so here is the info on my class's colloquium. It's taking place on Friday, November 2, from 10am to 12:30pm. There are eleven students presenting their work, and all of them are really interesting. My favorites are the projects focusing on pro-anorexia message boards, representations of women in bridal magazines, and an exploration of sneaker collector culture.

So come, eat some free food, learn a little more about sociology, and see some great students who are sure to become big names in academia.

Here's the flyer for the event.



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